Monday, September 29, 2008


Yes everyone, I finally hit 70 on Friday evening. It took longer than expected as after work my GF decided to throw some agro my way and insisted on going out to eat. Not what I wanted to do, but I knew once I hit 70 I'd want more play time than I've been getting lately. So I agreed and out we went.

But after less than an hour of playing I finally had enough to ding on the quest turn in and off I went to do it. It took me about 26 hours of game play spread out over about 9 months of RL.

I am loving life as a 70. I still am geared with a lot of level 59 and 60 twinkish gear I had and never replaced and I'm still able to hold my own in most battlegrounds. There are some hordies who are just uber and I can barely scratch and die quickly but am SO happy to finally have my s2 sword and legs on. They've been in my bank for what feels like forever.

So finally, CalDMint is top level. For about another 5 weeks when Blizzard takes that away from me.

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